3 Ways To Strengthen Your Bond With Your Dog

3 Ways To Strengthen Your Bond With Your Dog

If you ask dog parents who they love most in the house, it’ll be the dogs! The bond you share with your dogs is so special and so unique, it’s a match made in heaven. Although spending time together is the best way to bond with your dog, there are other things that can help too!

1. Obedience Training

Obedience training isn’t only for dogs, it’s for you too – to help you understand how to talk and communicate with your dog. As soon as your puppy is 10 weeks old, take them to the vet for their vaccination and if your vet okays your dog to start training, take them to puppy kindergarten where they can start learning basic commands. Once he has mastered basic commands, he’s ready to start learning advanced commands with you!

2. Hiking

Dogs love to go back to nature and just be there with you! Hiking isn’t only good for you and your dog, it also gives you both the opportunity to spend some quality time together in the open. With new scenery to explore and lots of scents on the way, this is a special way to bond!

3. Get them to “nose around”!

If your dog is thrilled to find a new scent, nose work could be an exciting way to bond. To play this game, your dog has to find a certain scent, like clove, and when he finds it, he has to alert you. The game can be played outside or inside your house, and it’s loads of fun!

How do you bond with your dogs? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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