Meek Mill once said you can break the body but you can’t lock the soul of a man down. If you have a strong resolve to go on, there is no form of adversity that can stop you. Turns out this is also true for dogs.
An 8-year old beagle named Manny is the epitome of strong-will and perseverance and could also be the inspiration you need in case you ever feel like giving up. Manny is paralyzed and as a result, he can’t use his hind legs. As if that’s not enough misfortune, he has no one to care for him because his “owners” abandoned him. When a good Samaritan discovered him, Manny was dragging himself on a road in New Jersey perhaps looking for shelter or food. He was taken to the local animal control but his time at the facility was almost up.
Luckily, the Ramapo Bergen Animal Rescue Inc took him in and began treating him. Manny has no bladder control and cannot feel pain which means he has been paralyzed for a while. The good news is that the rescue did not find any signs of trauma. His “owners” may have abandoned him but they did not physically punish him for being unable to walk properly. The bad news is that he will never be able to walk again. A veterinarian has determined that Manny will need a wheelchair and long-term specialized care to happily live out the rest of his life.
Unfortunately, the Ramapo Bergen Animal Rescue is highly limited in terms of how they can help him. Their hope is that Manny will soon find a foster or a forever home. “Manny is super sweet and docile – very easy to handle for his care. But, what Manny so desperately needs is a very special foster or forever home,” A veterinarian from the Animal Rescue said. For more information on Manny, please contact Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc via their email address:
Images & Feature Image Source: Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc.