Adorable Dachshund Thinks He's A Reindeer And His Antlers Had Fallen Off. LOL

Adorable Dachshund Thinks He's A Reindeer And His Antlers Had Fallen Off. LOL

Meet this super curious dachshund pup who’s currently going through some kind of identity crisis because he thinks he’s a reindeer, not a dachshund. Yeah, I’m a bear too.

We’ve forever heard stories of how some people think that they believe they were supposed to be someone else, thinking that they’re in the wrong body, well looks like this fur ball has the same feelings. But unlike humans, these feelings will disappear as soon as he sees his kibble.

So what is he doing? Well he thinks he’s a reindeer and because all reindeer have antlers, his must have fallen somewhere in the couch. What he digs up in the end is just hilarious though! Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share, people!

Feature Image Source: Kristen Horton

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