Adorable Dog Celebrates One Year Of Adoption By Giving Back!

Adorable Dog Celebrates One Year Of Adoption By Giving Back!

When a precious pooch gets adopted from a shelter, there is so much to give from both two and four-legged friends! One case in Bakersfield, California, was particularly unique, as the dog up for adoption was special needs.

Franklin was a victim of an accident. The details remain blurry as to whether it was an accident or intentional, but Franklin fell from a moving car. This horrendous incident resulted in him losing his two front legs. The shelter in which he was kept had was donated him a set of mobility wheels for where his legs where, and once he was comfortable and mobile in them, Franklin went up for adoption in the bid to find him a forever home.

The perfect match between Franklin and his new family happened online. Danielle Caillouette, now Franklin’s dog mom, had recently lost her own canine companion when she came across the information about Franklin. When she saw a post about him on Instagram (a video of him giving hugs), she immediately fell in love with this precious pooch. Now one year into the adoption, Danielle says she and Franklin are inseparable. The two of them do everything together and he never leaves her side!

She also says that Franklin does not let his disability get to him in any way and he keeps on spreading unconditional love. For the celebration of his one-year adoption, Danielle and Franklin gave back to the shelter by raising $4,000 for the place in donations. What a miraculous story indeed!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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