Adorable German Shepherd Loves His Brother So Much He Can't Stop Kissing!

Adorable German Shepherd Loves His Brother So Much He Can't Stop Kissing!

Meet Ghost, an adorable German shepherd who loves his baby brother Alex so much that he just can’t stop kissing him! Not only does he kiss his baby brother, he also extends the courtesy to his brother’s walker!

A lot of people have personally come to tell me how babies and fur kids don’t mix, how it’s not healthy and how there’s a risk and all that. I really want them to see this video so they can understand that there’s nothing without any risk factor.

This fur ball is a million times better than a babysitter, for sure. Look at how he entertains his brother, see the love they share, nothing can compare to it. People need to understand that so long as an adult is keeping a close eye, nothing can go wrong, don’t you think? Let us know and don’t forget to share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Justine Elizabeth Barber

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