No one can deny that JoJo, a Siberian husky aged four years old, is a good-looking pup. However, the rescued dog was shedding a lot, and the temperature outdoors was rising. So Mom Hannah Gomez decided to bring him to a groomer!
At first, all seemed well. Gomez went to a groomer she’d never tried before, and she figured that Jojo was a little overdue for a trim anyway. So she told the groomer she met that the pup only needed a light shave – just so he would no longer shed, and not any more than that.
But the groomer, apparently, didn’t hear anything after the word “shave”, as clearly evidenced by what the pup looked like when his Mom came to pick him up!
The pup’s body was entirely shaved flat, leaving only his very fluffy face and tail out. He looked absolutely hilarious! It had to be the worst haircut ever given. Luckily, JoJo isn’t aware of his extremely comedic appearance.
He’s still his goofy, playful self who loves cuddles, playing with toys, and chilling with his loved ones. Meanwhile, his Mom has been taking the opportunity to snap very funny pictures of the pup and share them online, where many others have burst out laughing at his appearance, too!
The good news is that fur grows back. The bad news is that, until then, JoJo will have to stare in confusion as his Mom bursts into another bout of laughter over his appearance! Maybe next time, Mom will bring pictures of the right trim to the groomer they visit.
It’s safe to say it won’t be the same one!
Images & Feature Image Source: Hannah Gomez