Lots of people – and pups! – have sleeping habits, like snoring, moving, or talking in their sleep. Although they’re all quite amusing, some sleeping habits are funnier than others!
But one of those that has to be at the very top is the one this dachshund pup has! So what does this pup do when he’s off in Dreamland? Well, he actually sleeps with his eyes open! Yes, you heard me right! Somehow, this pup can snooze peacefully without fully shutting his eyes.
His parent even tries to test whether he’s really asleep by making sudden movements in front of him, but it seems that the pup really is catching a nap. What a funny scene! The pup even winks and blinks while he’s asleep. That’s sure to confuse someone who’s never seen him sleep before. He could easily pass for being drowsy, but awake. Do like and share this funny video!
Feature Image Source: bcbp14