How safe are our dogs from this pandemic?
Earlier it was believed that dogs cannot get infected with SARS-CoV-2, but thoughts have changed after some cats and dogs became infected with the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a new guideline for pets. Experts now believe that pets can become infected if they have close contact with people who tested positive for COVID-19.
Dr. Gregory Poland, from Mayo Clinic, states, “Traditionally, the feeling has been that these novel coronaviruses are really not a significant issue in terms of passing back and forth between humans and their pets. Having said that, there’s one dog, there are a few tigers and there are a few of cats that have now been diagnosed, that is, have positive RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) assays against COVID-19. So it does occur, but apparently is pretty rare.”
He adds, “If you have somebody in your home that’s infected, then stay away from your pets. Similarly, and this is kind of funny in a way, but social distancing (is recommended) for pets. If you take them out for a walk, keep them away from other dogs and cats. I think that’s just good advice.”
If you feel that your dog may have come in close contact with people who have tested positive for the virus, please speak to your vet immediately to see how you can work around the situation and stop the virus from making your dogs sick.
Please share this article with everyone you know, and remember social distancing is key to preventing the infection.
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