Cute Dachshund Can't Stop Telling Her Mom She Loves Her!

Cute Dachshund Can't Stop Telling Her Mom She Loves Her!

We all know dachshunds love to talk and tell their parents about all sorts of things but once this little one gets going, she simply can’t stop. Gretel is telling her mom in this video how much she loves her in return for a treat!

She tells her mom enough times to earn a treat but then she gets carried away and can’t stop talking!

Her mom says, “Gretel, a smooth,red miniature Dachshund knows she can talk me into giving her a treat by saying “I Love You” but this time she had more on her mind and couldn’t stop talking! Cookie, a Japanese Chin/ Tibetan Spaniel mix waits nearby; she hopes to get in on the treat action as soon as Gretel stops her ‘yapping’!”

Oh Gretel! Will you ever get a treat? At this rate, you will continue talking even with the treat in your mouth!

Watch the video below to see the adorable dachshund!

Feature Image Source: HFVGM’s channel

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