Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it’s Superdog! This is the nickname given by McKarney Animal Centre to a very special little dog named Union, and a very special dog he is indeed.
Union has, in fact, suffered a horrific experience at the beginning of the year. This good boy was attacked by a bigger dog and, as a result, lost the use of his back legs. Overwhelmed at the extent of his injuries and unable to cope with the trauma, Union’s owner left him in the care of the Centre. Many dogs in the same position have not been as fortunate as Union and have been euthanized as a result.
Union, however, was nursed back to health by a caring, compassionate team who even used a dog wheelchair to rehabilitate him. Owing to his incredible cuteness and the many hours spent with him, Union naturally became a fast favorite with the staff. The time came to hand him over for adoption but unfortunately, he was returned, as the potential owners were overcome by his challenges.
One can only expect that a special dog would require a really special person/family to adopt him. The staff at McKarney would not give up and it is thanks to their dedication and perseverance that lucky little Union finally found a home with the Allen family, who first took him home on a trial basis and then decided he was his new forever home! What a happy ending for a happy dog!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay