Many stories of abandoned dogs being rescued are heart-warming for us to read. However, sometimes our four-legged friends go through a lot more than we know about.
Being abandoned numerous times, many furry dogs go through trauma that has long-lasting effects on their feelings too. This is what happened to Bely, a furry friend who has overcome the impossible.
One cold evening, Ksenia found Bely on the side of the road in the cold. Bely was thin and cold, and Ksenia did not hesitate for a minute to offer a helping hand. She took him to a shelter and was adopted by Julia. It took a long time, but eventually, Julia and her husband gained the trust of Bely- now renamed Marvin- and all was going well.
That was until Julia and her husband split, and Marvin had to go with him to a military base. After a while, Julia’s ex-husband could not keep Marvin at the military any longer and he was left at an animal shelter for the time being. However, Julia’s partner never returned to pick Marvin up again. Poor Marvin took the abandonment to heart, and the animal shelter reported that he had lost interest to live and spent the evenings crying out for his parents.
When the story of his situation went viral, people started donating and helping Marvin, as well as providing treatment for his many development illnesses. Eventually, Julia found out about the situation and could not bear to hear about Marvin being in such a state. After many donations, Julia is now able to travel over 2,000 kilometers to bring her baby home.
The story of Marvin and Julia is a reminder of how powerful united people can be when saving our very special canine companions!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay
Images Source: Instagram