Loving And Patient Pup Is Meeting His Feline Sibling - Check This Cuteness Out!

Loving And Patient Pup Is Meeting His Feline Sibling - Check This Cuteness Out!

The thing about young animals is that they are so full of curiosity and bravery. Fear of the unknown is often a learned trait – so in a safe environment where Dad and Mom are taking care of them, they can become quite brave indeed! After all, what is there to fear anymore?

Cujo the 3-year-old German Shepherd is quite a big pup. Thanks to his size and distinctive breed appearance, he can come across as pretty intimidating to a lot of people and other animals. Apparently, he seems to have intimidated even Curtis, who is meeting him for the very first time!

This 6-month-old kitten is an incredibly curious beast, but that doesn’t mean he won’t approach Cujo recklessly. Instead, he looks cautiously at the pup, wondering if he is safe. Of course, he has nothing to worry about – Cujo is really just a gentle giant, and wouldn’t harm a fly!

Feature Image Source: thisdyingsoul76

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