She Saw Her Doing This To Her Dachshund. Seconds Later My Jaw Dropped! WOW

She Saw Her Doing This To Her Dachshund. Seconds Later My Jaw Dropped! WOW

She had no idea what this woman was doing to her dachshund pup so she decided to hang around for a bit longer. She did the right thing because just seconds later, my jaw hit the floor! Take a look!

According to the original uploader on Rumble, “Gracie Blanche the First is a 4 year old dachshund mix. Adopted 3 years ago, we have been doing tricks for a while now. So we decided to try something new, something more challenging….and yes, it was a big challenge and we spent about 6 months working on this simple routine.”

“Even with all that work, in this video we didn’t get the whole routine right, as you can see in some moments. In the end, even I get it wrong and start turning to the wrong side! Bad human :p” It is a tough job to train your fur ball to do these steps with precision. Even though she says there were some moments, I think this video is perfect and so is their routine! Take a look and don’t forget to like and share, people!

Feature Image Source: Gatinha7b

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