If you think water is boring and would like to give your dog something more to drink, you might be considering sparkling water. However, before you do that, you may want to stop for a second and learn wherever it is safe for your dog.
Sparkling water has lots of tiny bubbles due to its carbon dioxide content. The gas needs to escape somehow, which is why people burp after taking carbonated drinks. Dogs may have difficulty dealing with this gas and it could stay trapped within their stomach.
Dogs can safely drink sparkling water. However, it may cause the following problems if taken in large amounts:
In mild cases, this could cause minor tummy discomforts. In severe cases, it could lead to swollen stomach, vomiting, restlessness, and pain in the abdomen.
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)
Dogs with GDV will show similar symptoms to those with bloat, except vomiting. GDV occurs when the stomach twists and disrupts major organs in the stomach from carrying out their duties.
Enamel Erosion
The acidic nature of sparkling water can cause enamel erosion on your dog’s teeth, especially if they have been drinking it for a long while.
Normal, clean water remains the best water to give your dog. If you must give your dog sparkling water, make sure it is only a little. Call your veterinarian if your dog starts showing symptoms after drinking anything other than regular water.