Meet this exceptionally cute English bulldog pup who currently has an itch at the back and since she can’t reach it herself, she does the most hilarious thing EVER! Take a look!
This adorable English bulldog was just minding her own business when suddenly… an itch. You know when you have an itch that you can’t reach, you’ll do anything you can to reach it wouldn’t you? From rulers to pencils and what not, we’ve all been there. But here’s what you need to know if you pup keeps scooting on the floor too often.
According to Dog Channel, “Butt scooting, where a dog drags his bottom across the floor, usually indicates a problem with your pup’s anal glands — in some dogs, they can become impacted and need to be expressed, or emptied of fluid — or a tapeworm. Another possibility?”
“Your dog may have just defecated and is cleaning his back end, says Pam Reid, Ph.D., a certified applied animal behaviorist and vice president of the anti-cruelty behavior team for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in New York City.” Now take a look at this video and don’t forget to share it with your friends too!
Feature Image Source: Elias Lopez