Super Sneaky Golden Retriever Acts Innocent And Tired After THIS Mess!

Super Sneaky Golden Retriever Acts Innocent And Tired After THIS Mess!

Meet this very, very tired golden retriever pup who’s done something so super hard that by the time he was finished, the only thing he thought about was a nice, long nap!

In a rather funny turn of events, this family states that their fur ball shredded all that paper. After further investigation, the fur ball decided to give us his comments. He was quoted saying, “Okay now what do you expect me to do when you leave all your newspapers and tax payer receipts lying around like that in front of me? I have work to do, pillows to shred, gardens to dig and amidst all that, papers? I’ve done everyone a big favor.”

It was apparent that the golden retriever was rather annoyed that the world didn’t know the favor he had done by shredding all that paper, but in the end, before he fell asleep he concluded by saying, “It has been a rather glorious day, in fact. After all that shredding, I can say that I’ve worked hard to shred all that paper so my family doesn’t have to. And you know the best part? Pet shelters need shredded papers. And you’re welcome!” Take a look at this video and don’t forget to share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Paul79UF

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