For those of us who weren’t aware of this, many dogs have an innate drive for digging and burying things. It can simply be a personality trait – some pups just absolutely adore digging!
Certain breeds are especially prone to this, such as the Husky and the Beagle! Presumably, the need to bury things comes from the need to preserve any supplies for the future, when food or precious items become limited.
As a beloved pet, however, this behavior in many pups has now been rendered moot, since they are essentially waited on hand and foot by their parents. You can see that behavior in this video, where Oliver the Beagle pup tries to bury his new bone.
It is clear he doesn’t really need to do this as a pampered pup, but some instincts are just too hard to ignore. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any dirt to work with, so he attempts to bury his bone in the sofa instead!
Feature Image Source: Oliver the Beagle