This Adorable Pup Is Playing 'Handsies" With Her Foster Dad! What Fun!

This Adorable Pup Is Playing 'Handsies" With Her Foster Dad! What Fun!

For those of us who love helping out in rescue shelters and with organisations, you would be well aware of just how important it is to ensure a pup that gets taken into the shelter is properly socialized. It raises their chances of getting adopted, and makes them so much easier to handle.

The only problem is, that is really hard to do in a shelter-based environment. This is where foster parents like this Dad named Andrew come in. He is currently raising 11-year-old Lady, a German Shepherd pup, alongside her best friend, a 6-year-old Chihuahua-Dachshund mix named Honey.

In this video, Dad is just playing “handsies” with Lady while Honey and her foster siblings wander around the living room. Some of them are watching the two play, but for the most part it is only Lady that is completely occupied with chasing after Dad’s hand! What a lovely bonding time between the two.

Feature Image Source: Brian Foran

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