There are many special people out there who have a passion for animal care and fostering those that cannot find a safe shelter to live in. One of these people is Sheryl Smith.
Her love and affection towards other strays or sheltered pups is truly special, and she makes a point of letting each animal she takes in feel safe. In most cases, it is the compassion that the dog parents show that lets everybody feel safe, but in Sheryl’s household things work even better!
A while back, Sheryl adopted a puppy she named Shiro. Shiro has a few disabilities, in that he is deaf and partially blind. Shiro was also bounced between foster homes over twelve times and has been returned on many occasions.
When Sheryl met Shiro, she understood that he was a handful, but saw that with the right care he would be happy and well-behaved. He was severely anxious and cried in cars because he was under the impression he was being returned again.
But with the right care, Shiro was no longer a victim of his disabilities and past traumas, instead, he has taken it upon himself to be like his new dog parent and help newcomers feel safe and at home. When kittens come in, he keeps them warm. When other four-legged friends give birth and are exhausted, he helps lick the pups clean.
It could be that his past traumas have taught him how important true compassion is, it could be that he has a kind heart, or it could be a combination of the two. Either way, Shiro is a comforting example that it is never too late to help out someone in need!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay
Images Source: Sherios Shenanigans