This Family Just Wants To Record A Video, But Their Pup Has Other Plans!

This Family Just Wants To Record A Video, But Their Pup Has Other Plans!

The thing with being a parent that has to regularly supply their vlogging channel with ongoing content is that sometimes, your pups just will not coordinate with you!

No wonder urban legend of Hollywood states that directors just do not like working with children and animals. It can be difficult!

This Dad wanted to get Oliver the Beagle pup to play the grand piano they have in the living room. What they mean by play is just this pup banging his paws down on the keys. Not a bad idea – it would have made for a pretty cute video!

Alas, it seems that Oliver has other ideas. After slapping out a few notes, he decides that playing sniff-and-seek is more fun to play instead. In hindsight, this was understandable, since the video was taken just before Oliver’s lunch. As a result, he was hungry – and sniff-and-seek often rewards with food!

Feature Image Source: Oliver the Beagle

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