This Tiny Pup Doesn't Quite Know How The Wheel Works, But Has Fun Anyway!

This Tiny Pup Doesn't Quite Know How The Wheel Works, But Has Fun Anyway!

Do you love German shepherd pups? If so, then I have something that’s sure to make you smile today! Mallow is a 13-week-old white fur ball who loves to play and have fun.

He’ll play with just about anything, and he really knows how to enjoy himself and have a good time! Check it out! This fur ball is playing with a wheel, and it’s so adorable that even Daddy has to laugh at the sight. There can’t possibly be a dull day when you have a pup like this around to brighten up all waking hours!

What’s even cuter is when this fur ball leaps from his playing spot to run over to Daddy for no particular reason. Aww! Who would even do that?! What a sweet pup! The antics of this pup are certain to put a grin on anyone’s lips. Did he do that for you? If so, do give this a thumbs up and share it around!

Feature Image Source: Mallow white german shepherd

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