This is one of the most amazing ways to feed shelter dogs and all you really have to do is watch the video, that’s all! For every view, one pound of dog food will be donated to a shelter. How cool is that?!
We usually post stories that are directly related to our fur balls, but today we’ve got something different and we urge all of you, for the sake of the fur balls in the shelter, to watch this video because every view gives them a pound of dog food.
SoulPancake and Puppy Chow have come together to share the #PowerofPuppies at a preschool, retirement home, and gym to transform an otherwise normal day. Every time this video is watched, Puppy Chow will donate one pound of Puppy Chow Natural to Rescue Bank®. This campaign will run up to the 23rd April 2016 and up to 500,000 pounds of food will be donated.
Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and SHARE this post with your friends. Let’s feed these fur balls!
Feature Image Source: SoulPancake