What This Labrador Pup Was Doing In The Living Room? Adorable!

What This Labrador Pup Was Doing In The Living Room? Adorable!

If you are a fan of yellow labrador pups, you’ll love this video! This 8-week-old pup is playing fetch with his daddy and having the time of his life. The retriever instincts are certainly strong in this one!

Each time daddy tosses the ball, this fur ball dashes off on his cute little legs, grabs the ball, and sends it back. What a good boy! Look how happy he is playing with his daddy! But then, while chasing the ball, the pup spots something else lying on the floor. It’s a shirt! He picks it up in his mouth, along with the ball he’s already carrying.

When his daddy tries to take the shirt from him, the pup whines and tugs back, eager to play! Isn’t he just the most adorable little thing? Wouldn’t you love to play with this cute pup? If so, do give this a like and share it with your friends!

Feature Image Source: Yet Chang

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