What's Better Than One Pup Running Free? Of Course, Two Running Free In The Woods!

What's Better Than One Pup Running Free? Of Course, Two Running Free In The Woods!

What do you do on a hot summer day? The easiest way to relax is to just cool yourself off with water! Unfortunately for this family, however, the nearest stream is pretty muddy.

Not exactly something you would like to swim in! Muddy waters, however, mean nothing to this puppy – it’s all the same to him!

Sammie the German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever has a great treat ahead of him – he gets to go for a swim in some cooling stream water. Just what the doctor ordered on a day this hot too! And what a wonderful treat it is. He is so clearly ecstatic – just look at how much fun he’s having!

This video is an excellent example of just how adorable this pup is – and all those captions of what he’s saying only make it even more adorable! Shame about the bath he inevitably has to run through – but it’s gotta be worth it after an outing like this, right?


Feature Image Source: Golden Wolf Sam

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