It is clear that pups do enjoy pet a lot! Just look at how much they enjoy being pet and being lavished with love and affection. It is pretty relatable, considering that we humans are hardwired to crave that sort of care and comforting from those around us as well.
So when Jack the Beagle is hanging out with best friend on a sunny porch, he decides that the best way to show his love for his friend is to attempt to pet him! After all, that is how the humans do it, and he personally enjoys all that petting very much!
Unfortunately for Jack, his friend is a cat, and isn’t too interested in getting pets from a pup. (Being a pup, Jack isn’t very good at petting, you see!) Still, this cat tolerates Jack’s clumsy attempts at showing love anyway, even as he tries to continue cleaning himself.
Feature Image Source: Susan Collins