Dogs are cool on their own so you can imagine with a title like that, you don’t even need an introduction!
Dogs are the best thing that has ever happened to the planet, followed by online shopping, of course. But dogs come first, always! When I was a child, I always wondered if there was anyone who loved you more than you loved yourself. Apparently, there is – a dog! Josh Billings rightly said that dogs love you more than you love yourself! How many of you agree?! Now cuddle up with your pup because here are some interesting facts that will leave you amazed!
1. Licking
Apparently, dogs lick people and other dogs for many reasons! For example, puppies lick their mothers to let them know that they’re hungry! Then when they’re adults, their licking becomes a sign of submission to authority!
2. Circling before sleeping
Well, old habits die hard, people. Circling before sleeping is an old behavior inherited from their wild ancestors. Apparently, when their wild ancestors circled tall grass, they not only pushed it down to make it more comfortable to sleep on, but also scared away bugs or snakes before they could call it a night.
3. Puppies at birth are blind and deaf
When puppies are born, their eyes and ear canals are closed because they aren’t fully developed. A dog’s gestational period is between 58 and 68 days and because they spend such a short amount of time in the womb, much of the development happens when they’re born.
4. Puppy eyes
Well, here’s a shocker! Dogs know that they can get away with anything with puppy eyes! All they need to do is raise their eyebrows and make other dramatic facial expressions when humans are watching to melt their hearts and get away with trouble! Shelter dogs have learned puppy eyes too, and according to some, shelter dogs who exhibit puppy eyes tend to get adopted faster.
5. Intelligence
Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures! According to experts, an average dog is as intelligent as a 2-year-old human child. But then we know that with training, things get better!
Do you know any dog facts you’d like to share with us? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay