10 Dog Breeds Who're Nothing Like The Negative Stereotypes Attached To Them

Stereotyping is bad, whether it happens to humans or dogs, it’s effects are devastating. These dogs want the world to know they’re not what people seem to believe.

Has it ever happened to you that when you walk your dog, people coming from the opposite direction either pull their children closer to them or give you nasty looks? This is probably happening because of your dog’s reputation, a reputation that was forced on them by humans who just don’t know any better.

Dogs aren’t born aggressive or dangerous, people make them aggressive and dangerous by abusing them. Their aggressiveness is only a way to protect themselves from further abuse. What we need to realize is that negative stereotypes can hurt dogs and even cost them their lives. Here are some breeds who’re nothing like the negative stereotypes attached to them.

1. Pit Bull

Some people think that pit bulls are aggressive, uncontrollable, and love to fight, but the truth is this breed is just as loving and loyal as other breeds. The American Temperament Test Society (ATTS) tested 870 pit bulls for their stability, shyness, aggression, friendliness and overall protectiveness of dogs, and 86.6% passed with flying colors! This proves it that pit bulls are not monsters, they’re adorable dogs with a negative stereotype.

2. German Shepherd

Many people think that German shepherds are scary, mean, and overly protective, but the truth is that these dogs are loyal, smart, and loving. When they were tested by ATTS, 84.4% passed the temperament test.

3. Rottweiler

According to many, Rottweilers are aggressive, too strong, and intimidating, but this is far from the truth. Although most military dogs are Rottweilers, this breed only wants some good belly rubs! On their temperament test, this breed scored a nice 84.1%. Also, Rottweilers think they never grow so no matter how heavy they get, they think they’re still lap dogs.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Many people think that these dogs are aggressive, especially towards strangers. While this breed is mostly working as a guard dog, they’re not aggressive towards strangers. They’re affectionate dogs who love to play and chill!

5. Chihuahua

People think that these dogs love to bite ankles, have anger issues, and tend to bite a lot. The truth is that these dogs are charming, graceful, and sassy! Good training along with an unlimited supply of praises and belly rubs is all it takes for this dog to get along with other dogs and humans!

Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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