These dogs probably don’t want the world to know what they have done, but too late dogs, we know! We know what you’ve been up to!
Our dogs know that when they tear their toys apart, or when they’re caught red-handed trying to fish out something from the trash, the only way to get out of trouble is to show us the “guilty” face! As dog parents, we just melt, but let us tell you that the guilty face is just for the show, in reality, they’re proud! Look what these dogs have done!
1. Oh wow. How did this happen? Oh you’re looking at me? You think I did this? I’m just as surprised as you are, human.
2. I just found it here. Just the way you see it, I found it here on the couch. I was asleep the whole time. When I woke up, this was here, just like this. Think I can do anything like this? Who did this?
3. The cat did it. I know, we don’t have a cat, but our neighbors do. It was definitely, most definitely their cat. We just don’t get along. We’ve got to fix the cat issue.
4. Um. you’re home early?
5. That pretzel just won’t fold. So I fixed it. It needed a fixing. Pretzels these days…
Have your dogs done anything similar? Share their guilty faces with us in the comments!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay