10 Dogs Who Make Working From Home Look Like A Big Challenge! (Part 2)

During this pandemic, we’re all advised to stay home and work from home. For dog parents, its a boon and a curse.

It’s a boon because we get to be around our favorite souls and a curse because we have to somehow deal with not cuddling them and instead focus on work. Life is tough as it is, but dog parents have it tougher, trust me. The dogs you’re about to see have made it their mission to let their parents know that work time’s up! Take a look! Oh, and here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. I tried. I failed. So I joined.

2. Really? This is more important than looking into my eyes? Why do you want to solve problems? Let’s go be happy together.

3. Instead of doing so much work, why don’t we just cuddle on the couch and Netflix? Aren’t you tired? You look tired, I can tell.

4. Do you have room for more?

5. Okay, since you don’t listen, I’m going to fall asleep right here. And you know it’s illegal to wake sleeping dogs.

Do your dogs do this when you’re working from home? Tell us your experience in the comments below!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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