10 Dogs Who Were Caught Red-Handed Stealing Food! (Part 1)

Dogs are food ninjas. Whatever you do, the scent of the food can never escape their noses. I remember storing food where the sun doesn’t shine, but my dog still gets to it.

The dogs you’re about to see are so good at stealing food, you almost feel proud of their ninja food-stealing tactics! You can’t even shame them because they’re that good! Way to go dogs, way to go! Check out some dogs and their food-stealing talent caught on video!

1. This dog who wants everything to think he was redecorating the kitchen furniture. Nope. No, you’re not.

2. This dog who kept an eye out for this slice and when no one was looking…

3. Wait, mom. You said no climbing sofas. You said nothing about counters.

4. Keep an eye on the food bowl… did you see that ninja dog stealing food? Wow. The guts.

5. Don’t worry mom. I’ll do the dishes after I’m done. I promise.

How many of your dogs do this? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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