10 Dogs Who’re Brave Enough To Steal Food While You’re Watching! (Part 2)

Dogs will go to any length to get a taste of deliciousness. My dog, for example, will wait until I leave the room before switching on his Ninja skills to steal whatever food I’ve left behind.

Other dogs are brave enough to steal food while you’re watching! Here are some of them! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Here, let me help you put the dishes away. Specifically this plate. Don’t you worry. I can handle this.

2. Oh. These look tasty. Cinnabuns! I’m guilty. I’m guilty, but I’ll take one… or more. Depends.

3. Almost there. Almost. Just a little bit more…

4. Just keeping it safe. That’s all. Nothing happening here. Also tasted it to make sure it was safe for you.

5. What? Me, stealing food from the counter? Pssshhh. I was just stretching. Look!

Does your dog steal your food? Have you ever caught them in action? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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