10 German Shepherds Who're Having A Difficult Time Understanding You!

It’s no doubt that German shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world! They’re intelligent, loyal, loving and sometimes goofy!

German shepherds are courageous, confident, smart, affectionate, and totally confused at the moment! Having said that, there are times when even this breed gets confused and struggles to understand us! Nevertheless, this is the most adorable thing that all dogs do – the head tilt! Here are some dogs who’re having a difficult time understanding you!

1. Wait, you asked me who the good boy was. I’m confused. Did you want me to say I was or was that a question?

2. You threw that bottle and I fetched it like a million times. I’m confused. Do you want it or not?

3. Wait, I do?

4. Wait, did I become tall or did you become short? I’m confused.

5. Wait, those pictures are tilted? Is my head tilted? Wait, why is the world tilted?

How many of you love when your dogs tilt their heads?! Have a picture to share? Post it in the comments below! Watch out for Part 2.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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