As dog parents, we’re constantly finding ways to make our dogs very, very happy. Sometimes we succeed, other times not so much. But then, how many times can you do the same thing that makes them happy?
You get bored and they get bored. So here are some hilarious ways to make your dogs extremely happy!
1. Buy him a baby pool!
You know your dog! In fact, you know most dogs and they love to get wet! So buy your dog that awesome kiddy pool, fill it with water and some water-friendly toys and let him have the fun of his life whenever he wants!
2. Dance with your dogs!
In case you didn’t know, your dogs love to dance, especially with you! Not only will this keep you both healthy and active, it’ll also help you bond with each other! So the next time you’re thinking of spending time with your dog, put on some music and dance away! Your dog won’t judge the way you dance, I promise!
3. Let them destroy their toys!
I know… you’re probably confused! But you know why it’s good to let dogs wrangle their toys? So that their animal instinct remains active and they remain sharp. Also, they need new toys so it’s best to let them get rid of the old ones!
4. Play treasure hunt!
If you’re going to be away from your dog for several hours, make a fun treasure hunt to keep your dog occupied! Hide several of their favorite treats around the house and let them find them before you reach home! This is a great way to keep separation anxiety and boredom at bay. So instead of chewing on your furniture or destroying things, they’ll be busy treating themselves to treats they find!
5. Employ them
Like most humans, dogs don’t like it when they have nothing to do! They’ll be happy if they’re in charge of something. So when you’re going out on walks, put them in charge of carrying their treats in a backpack, or teach them to fetch their leash when they want to go out. The idea is to keep them mentally stimulated.
How many of you do these things? Let us know in the comments!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay