Dogs love being no more than six inches away from you. Consider yourself lucky though, some dogs want to be left alone at all times! Dogs who love being close to you will cuddle you, sit on you, hump you, burp and fart on you… you name it, they do it.
If this sounds familiar, you have a clingy pup on your hands! These dogs want to keep an eye on you… at all times. Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it! Here are some realities of living with a dog who won’t stay away from you!
1. You don’t dare to wake your dog up if he fast asleep on you or your leg. No matter what your emergency, you deal with it, but you let sleeping dogs lie.
2. You stock up on lint rollers because you know you’ll need them, all the time. Your dogs are close… too close, for that matter.
3. You have learned to make plans that involve your dog because if your dog can’t go, neither will you. It’s just a rule we follow.
4. You learn to accept that eerie feeling of being watched all the time. It doesn’t matter what time of the day, or where you are, your dog is watching you.
5. When you go shopping with your dog, you can’t stop buying anything and everything you think your dog will like. Yep. I love everything and I wish I could buy the whole store, for that matter.
How many of you relate to this? Let us know in the comments!
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