10 Simple Ways To Show Your Dog That You Love Them! (Part 2)

One day you bring your puppy home and the next they’re grown adults making decisions about which furniture to destroy when you’re not around.

And while you may have witnessed all their naughtiness, there’s one thing that always makes you wonder – is there a way to show your dog how much you love and appreciate them? Yes! Here are some simple ways to show your dog how much you love them! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Did you know that your dog absolutely loves back scratches? Well, what are you waiting for then?! Show your dog how much you love them by scratching their back for them! Who knows, they might return the favor!


2. Here’s a no-brainer – take them to the dog park! Your dogs will enjoy swinging, playing, running and pooping out in the open! Don’t pack everything when you go to the park, just a few essentials, and a dozen poop bags.


3. Dogs love treats. It’s a fact. So, another way to show your dog that you love them is by giving them healthy treats. But remember, the more treats you give them, the more exercise they require so as to not become obese.


4. If your dog loves a bath, give them a bath to show them how much you love and care for them. If your dog doesn’t like taking baths, still give them a bath, because it’s healthy, but give them treats to tell them how much you appreciate their cooperation!


5. Finally, everyone loves cuddles! Whenever you have time, cuddle your dog, speak to them, tell them how you feel!


How many of you do this? Let us know what else you do to show your love to your pup in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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