Alright, don’t judge me, but I believe that for my dogs to be healthy, the environment they live in should be clean. Being spotless? Now that’s a whole different story. I love my dogs to the moon and back, they’ve taught me so much about life and about people, I wouldn’t change that for anything. Then again, I’m a clean freak. Can you achieve a clean house that’s home to dogs?
I’m sure most of you are like me, we like coming home to a clean house, we all love that things are stashed where they’re supposed to be stashed, filth makes us shudder, scattered mess makes us want to tear our hair out… I’m sure you can relate. So what do we do to combat this problem? What do clean freaks do to keep their houses clean?
1. Lint rollers
We have like a million at home and each and every spot in the house has a lint roller handy for use. There are two in the bathroom, two in your closet, one near your closet, a few (if not a dozen) in your living room, a handful in your car, another handful at work, a couple in your desk… wow. I just realized I have more than I actually need.
2. Vacuum cleaners
Like a variety of them. If a stranger were to check out my laundry room, they’d think I was into the business of selling vacuum cleaners. Oh, and I have a Roomba too, you know, for times I just want to kick back and relax, and still clean the house.
3. Soaps
Oh, I like to wash my dog’s bowls with soap after every meal. All dog parents know that washing with soap is the best way to prevent the growth of bacteria in your dog’s bowls. When I get too excited, I wash the water bowl with soap too, even if I just washed it.
4. Home designation
Well, a part of my home is dedicated to my dog, so that part has his toys, his bed, his bowls, his blanket, that torn giraffe plush toy, the bone that keeps stabbing me in the leg, the tennis ball… basically everything my dog legally owns is placed in the designated area in my home.
5. Training
My dog knows I like to keep the place clean for him too, so I train him every day to keep his toys in the basket, put the blanket on his bed, and keep that bone away from my legs. He does try, but that bone. That bone just finds itself on the floor.
How many of you are clean freaks? Let us know how you handle the dog mess in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay