10 Things To Keep In Mind For Parents Whose Dogs Have A Drinking Problem! (Part 2)

When summer rolls around, we should remember to give our dogs lots of water to drink and splash around in. Dogs don’t have to remind us to do that, and trust me, they wouldn’t. If they’re very thirsty, they’re going to drink water wherever they’ll find it… yes including the toilet bowl.

It is therefore very important that you provide your dog with clean and fresh water that they can drink, and possibly a kiddie pool filled with water where they can cool down. Here are some things to keep in mind for parents whose dogs have a drinking problem! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Don’t depend on strangers to give your dog some water to drink. Although some businesses are kind enough to leave water bowls for dogs to drink, you don’t know where that water has been and if it’s clean enough for your dog to drink.

2. Whenever you leave the house with your dog, make sure that you carry a bottle of fresh water for your dog to drink. This way you’re sure your dog will remain hydrated and will get to drink clean water.

3. If you see signs of dehydration in your dog, don’t ignore these symptoms, rush them to the vet immediately. Signs of dehydration include lethargy, loss of appetite and deep, sunken eyes.

4. Whenever you drink water, try and see if your dog will too. Sometimes dogs get so excited that they forget that they’re thirsty, it happens. This is what I personally do, and it works for me!

5. If weather permits, let them splash around in water inside a fenced yard. Not only will this keep them cool, but it will also encourage them to drink water that they require to stay hydrated.

Do your dogs have a drinking problem? How do you tackle the issue? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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