10 Undeniable Signs That Your Dog Is Your BFF! (Part 1)

Dogs are man’s best friend, and that’s a proven fact. If you’re like me, you don’t even need signs to tell you that your dog is your BFF, but for new dog parents, this reality is yet to arrive!

Dogs are always there for you, no matter what happens, but do you know that there are some undeniable signs that suggest that your dog is your BFF? Who needs human BFFs when you have dog BFFs?! Here are some signs your dog is your best friend forever!

1. You can’t wait to reach home from work every single day just so you could tell your dog all about your day. You don’t need a human to make you feel better because your dog does a great job making you happy!


2. When you want to get some fresh air, you’d rather ask your dog to accompany you rather than anyone else. You know your dog will listen to you when you speak and won’t interrupt or judge you.


3. When you aren’t working, you prefer to chill on the couch with your dog beside you. You can call friends over, but you choose not to. Who wants human drama anyway?!


4. When you want to test out a camera’s picture quality, you take pictures of your dog, even when you know they look perfect no matter what the picture quality is like, but you still prefer clicking their picture than anyone else’s!


5. When you’re forced to leave your dog, you’d rather stay alone in a hotel so people won’t judge you for speaking to your dog’s picture or video calling them a hundred times a day.


How many of you relate to this? Let me know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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