11 Things To Keep In Mind Before Renting A Home With Your Pets

11 Things To Keep In Mind Before Renting A Home With Your Pets

Renting a home while owning pets? Worried about getting evicteD? Here are 11 things you need to know about renting when you have pets.

  1. Provide Toys. Chew toys keep your dog from chewing the sofa. Cuddle toys keep your dog from snuggling with the carpet. Toys can help your dog stay away from easily damaged furniture!
  2. Windows. Make sure they’re dog safe – kept closed, with blind panels or cords away from choking reach.
  3. Legality. Educate yourself on the regulations for pet ownership in your chosen home. Ask your landlord about options.
  4. Kennels. Crate-training your dog can help keep any mess contained to one spot – and it can also help your dog adjust more easily to the new location.
  5. Keep It Clean. Avoid landlord penalties and show your landlord that your dog doesn’t equate to a mess.
  6. Insurance. Renter’s insurance for pet owners is fairly common, so shop around for options!
  7. Bathroom Training. Even for house-trained dogs, you need to be prepared for accidents. Keep pee pads in storage just in case, and be attentive to your dog’s needs.
  8. Obedience. Make sure your dog is well-trained. This can prevent complications, such as noise complaints or poor adjustment to the new environment.
  9. Cleanliness. Make sure your dog is cleaned regularly so they don’t cause a stink!
  10. Give Distractions. To prevent your dog from destroying or damaging parts of the home, make sure they have plenty of toys and things to keep them occupied.
  11. Noise. Speak to your neighbors and build good rapport with them. Ask them to tell you if your dog is noisy while you are away.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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