12 Creative Ways To Include Your Dog In Your Life's Big Announcements! (Part 1)

Isn’t it fun to come up with creative ideas when you want to announce something big to your family? We’re past the gender reveal cakes, or the boards with announcements, or the pinata… its time to let our dogs do the revealing!

If you want to reveal something big to your family, why not include your dog too? It’s a great way to show people what your family means to you and that dogs are part of your family too! Here are some creative ways to include your dog in your life’s big announcements!

1. When you’re preparing for a new baby and you’d like the world to know…

2. Here’s another awesome way to let the world know that you’re expecting!

3. Isn’t this just hilariously sweet?! That first dog’s t-shirt nailed it!

4. This is just beautiful! Can you imagine the number of treats used to make this happen? But totally worth it.

5. Awww! This just stole my heart!

6. Um. The look on the pup’s face says it all! He’s ready to guard and that’s the face everyone else will see!

Have you ever let your dog do the revealing? If you have, share the pictures with us in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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