12 Ways To Rub Dog Parents On The Wrong Side, According To Dog Parents (Part 2)

12 Ways To Rub Dog Parents On The Wrong Side, According To Dog Parents (Part 2)

As dog parents, we can all agree that we’re a tough group of people and we don’t get offended very quickly, however, when these things happen, dog parents all over the world will be super mad! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Human baby comparison


Please don’t compare human babies to dogs. Don’t tell us how difficult it is to raise human babies because we’re not competing. Let’s agree to disagree.

2. Ewe, it’s poop. Yes, just poop.


Please don’t act like you’ve never seen poop before. It’s just poop, it helps with vegetation. I promise it’s not going to explode so please don’t act like it will. When people watch my dog’s poop (which I’m about to pick up) in disgust, it makes me mad. Why so serious?

3. Humping


Please don’t be too sensitive to humping. It’s a natural thing to do, so why make a big deal of it? When dogs get bored, they hump, like we munch. Come on, it’s basic dog 101.

4. Assumptions


Sometimes people think they know what’s best for our dogs. They keep telling us how to train, what to do next, where our dogs should poop, how they should sleep, what direction they should be looking when they’re eating… the list goes on. Apart from the vet, I’m not going to listen to you, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you think you know what’s best for my dog, the truth is, you don’t.

5. But you promised…


Yes, we promised we’d be there, but we can’t because our dog needs us more than anything in the world right now. Being a dog parent, I’ve realized that I enjoy my dog’s company more than I enjoy people. The love they have for us is so pure, so unconditional and so beautiful, no words can ever describe that. So yes, sometimes I will cancel my plans so I can stay home and cuddle my dog.

How many of you relate to other dog parents? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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