16 Activities Your Dogs Can Enjoy During Hot Summers! (Part 1)

16 Activities Your Dogs Can Enjoy During Hot Summers! (Part 1)

Summer is just around the corner so you’re going to have to be prepared with all sorts of activities to keep your dogs happy and occupied! Sunbathing, surfing, pool parties and what not… dogs love to spend hot summers doing fun and exciting activities with their friends and family!

Here are some activities to help keep your dog occupied all summer!

1. Throw exciting pool parties for your dogs and their friends! Can you think of anything else that’ll make a hot summer day full of exciting and cool activity?!


2. Teach your dog how to doggy paddle! This is an exciting and easy way to teach your dog how to like water and how to swim so they’re ready for those many-to-come pool parties!


3. Throw some watermelon pieces in a bowl and let your dogs enjoy them at their own leisure! Imagine, pool parties and watermelon pieces… nothing else matters!


4. Teach your dogs how to surf like a boss! Think your dog can’t surf? Think again! If they’re trained right, they can surf beside you!


5. Ice bucket challenge, anyone? Dogs need to cool off during hot summer days, and what’s better than ice baths?! Brrrr!


6. Teach your dogs how to catch a ferry ride on their best friend’s back! Or your back, for that matter! The photos will capture memories that you’ll remember forever!


7. Get a float for your dog to chill in the pool all day long! Who doesn’t like lazying around on floats in swimming pools? A bowl of watermelon and a super large float is all your dog needs for a cool, lazy day out in the pool!


8. Don’t want anything to do with water? How about a nice spa massage then? Release all those paw tensions so your dogs are ready to face summers without a problem!


Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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