16 Lessons Your Dog Teaches You About Camping! (Part 2)

16 Lessons Your Dog Teaches You About Camping! (Part 2)

Dogs love going on adventures, and because of their love, we’re forced to take them out. I use the word “forced” because not all the time we’re ready to go out, but we do it because of the love we have for our dogs. One of the best things I like to do with my dog is to take him camping!

He absolutely loves camping, and so I try to fit a few camping trips in my schedule. During every camping trip, I learn something from my dog, the greatest camping guru on the planet. Here are a few lessons your dog teaches you about camping! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Lazy mornings are nothing to be afraid of, says your dog, especially when you’re out camping! Just enjoy, have fun and start your day when you’re ready!


2. Camping is all about having fun, not planned fun. Your dog wants you to enjoy and have fun without worrying about what others would think!


3. Done star-gazing yet? Remember how much you enjoy star gazing when you were little? So what changed? Your dog wants you to calm down, lie down and look up!


4. Camping is about seeing things from a new perspective! Your dog wants you to change your thinking, learn from what you see and soak in the beauty of being at peace!


5. Camping is a great way to learn how to paddle! Your dog loves paddling, and you should learn too!


6. Bond with your dogs and camping is a great way to do this! Make a new connection with your dog and let your dog get to know you even more!


7. Remember that camping is all about leaving your busy lives behind and learning to appreciate the beauty Mother Nature has to offer!


8. Go to the highest peak, sit down and relax. You’ve done it. You achieved success. You deserve it. You’re worth it.


Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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