Puppies are known for their magical ways of lowering stress levels and giving humans hope to live. No, science doesn’t say this, dog parents do, though! If these adorable balls of fluffies can do this, what can’t they do when they’re asleep?
Puppies. Don’t you just love them? When I brought home my dog, he was just a tiny little puppy and I remember forgetting everything just because I was so in love with him! Don’t get me wrong, I still love him to the moon, but his puppy years were something different altogether!
1. These two friends, asleep together! Doesn’t this make you want to cuddle with them?!
2. Awwww!! I think I’m gonna die!
3. Oh, I can’t even with this.
4. Look at that tongue!! Look at those adorable paws!!
5. I literally have no words to describe this cuteness! Puppy with ducklings? OMG.
6. Can I cuddle with you puppy? Please???
7. Or you? Pretty please? I won’t make a sound, I promise!
8. OMG.
9. Can you see peace radiating from this puppy’s face???
10. Look at that cute little tongue!
How many of you couldn’t handle the cuteness? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay