Your dog may not be able to tell you that they love you but they will show it to you. And you already know that cliché about how actions speak louder than words, right? Here are 5 ways that your dog shows love to you.
- Greets you at the door – Does your dog get excited when you come in through the door. Do they come running at you wagging their tail furiously? Then they are head over heels for you.
- Looks at you with round relaxed eyes – I won’t even dwell too much into explaining this look because once you see it, you can always tell what it means. There is always the unmistakable glint of love in it that will make your heart immediately go soft. It’s also been proven that maintaining eye contact with your dog is a sure way to deepen your bond with them.
- Always wants to cuddle – Sometimes dogs will want to cuddle because they want something from you. But, if your dog is always looking to cuddle then it’s a sure sign that they enjoy your company and there is nowhere else they would rather be.
- Always wants to be near you – They may not be looking to cuddle but the fact that your dog has chosen the precise room you are at rather than any other room in the house is a sign that he adores you.
- Always looking to play with you – In case you didn’t know, dogs also get depressed, scared, and anxious. Playing is a form of escape to them and if they choose you as a playmate then it’s because you mean something to them.
Note that some signs may be perceived as love but are actually problems that you need to address. Like if your dog remains at the door when you leave in the morning and stays there until you get back. Or if your dog freaks out when you leave. That could point towards separation anxiety.