5 Ways To Keep Your Dogs Safe In Cars

5 Ways To Keep Your Dogs Safe In Cars

The government has put in place strict laws for keeping animals safe in vehicles, so you need to choose a good restraint option for keeping your dog safe in your car. Here are some choices.

1. Harness Seat Belts

These are essentially versatile seat belts that can be used to keep your dog in place easily. It’s best for well-behaved pups, but older, younger, or more feisty dogs may need zip-line harness belts.

2. Travel Crates

For dogs that enjoy car rides and are comfortable with them, a travel crate that attaches to a seat or seat belt is a great option. Make sure it’s big enough for your dog to stand and turn around in!

3. Booster Seats

For small dogs, booster seats – or elevated carry boxes – can be a good option, especially if they are a little extra anxious and nervous.

4. Hammocks

Though cute, this usually doesn’t meet animal restraint laws, but they have their uses. Older dogs who want to lie down in the back may enjoy them.

5. Barriers

Dog guards are great options for big dogs in big cars, providing plenty of space while keeping them somewhat secure. However, it is not a substitute for proper restraints and mostly will not meet legal requirements.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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