6 Benefits Of Giving Avocados To Your Dogs! (Part 2)

So here’s a fact, while avocado meat is great for dogs, don’t ever feed them avocados with it’s skin and pit still inside. In fact, dogs should always be fed fruit meat, seeds and skin should always be removed.

Having said that, here are some benefits of giving avocados to your dogs. Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Shiny Coat

According to all experts, a shiny coat is a healthy coat, and avocados give dogs just that – a healthy and shiny coat! Avocados are rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin E which helps nourish your dog’s coat. No amount of shampoo can do the work one ripe avocado can!

2. Bright Eyes

Apart from protein, fiber, vitamin E, and fatty acids, avocados are packed with vitamin A which helps improve your dog’s vision!

3. Better Nutrient Absorption

So apart from all the above-mentioned nutrients and vitamins, avocados also house vitamin C which improves your dog’s ability to absorb all the nutrients this power-packed fruit can provide. After giving your dog their regular food, introduce avocado meat so that they can get the most nutrition they can from all the other different kinds of foods they eat!

Do you feed avocados to your dog? Let us know how you feed it to them!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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