6 Common Household Items that are Super Dangerous to Dogs

6 Common Household Items that are Super Dangerous to Dogs

A cup of hot chocolate is exactly what you need to stimulate your sensory system on a cold day. But, that same cup is enough to send your dog to the emergency room when consumed.

That’s one example of a common household item that’s super dangerous to your dog. But everybody already knows that. So I will focus on less known common but dangerous household items.

1. Sugar-free gum

It contains Xylitol that supposedly helps remove cavities in humans. However, the compound can cause fatal hypoglycemia and liver failure in dogs.

2. Pest control products

Good news, you finally got rid of your pest problem but it may be the beginning of your pet’s problems. That pesticide is as lethal to your dog as it is to the mites and rats.

3. Antifreeze

Ethylene glycol is the main compound in antifreeze and comes with a sweet taste that is attractive to dogs. However, once ingested, it can cause deadly kidney failure to dogs.

4. Human medicine

All drugs regardless of whether prescribed or bought over the counter should be kept in cabinets and out of reach for dogs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can cause kidney failure.

5. Washing detergent

Soap is dangerous to dogs but not as much as washing detergents and fabric softener. There is something about the way these products are wrapped that dogs can’t seem to resist.

6. Loose change

How often do you have loose change in your pocket, every day? It’s time you became careful about where you place them. Some coins contain zinc which is toxic to dogs and can cause severe anemia.

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