When I look at my dog, I imagine what life would have been for him if he was a rescue dog. He is a rescue dog, a therapy dog, but only for me. But because he’s such a good boy, he brings happiness and therapeutic love to everyone around him.
I guess dogs are born with the ability to give hope to others without discriminating. Here are some dogs who gave hope of life to other species! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
1. Mac & Piglets
Meet Liz Grant who works at the Blue Cross hospital in Northiam. Liz has the best job in the world – caring for cuddly patients! One day four tiny piglets arrived in her office. Apparently their mother had rejected them, but thanks to Mac, the Border Collie, these piggies got tons of TLC and Mac became their new mommy!
2. Kiera & Baby Owl
Meet Kiera, an adorable dog who fell in love with a baby owl, Cherub, when he was brought home after being rescued. Kiera is so protective of Cherub that when she’s away from Cherub, she won’t rest easy until they’re back home!
3. Sunshade & Piggies
In 2010, when Sunshade was diagnosed with cancer and successfully recovered, her mom bought her something she’s always wanted – her very own Guinea Pigs! At is turns out, whenever Sunshade would go out with her mom, she’d watch guinea pigs in the window of a local pet shop for hours and so her mommy thought getting her one of her own would be the best gift ever! Sunshade loves her guinea pigs like her own puppies, and loves them to the moon and back!
Did this warm your heart? Do you know any other hero-dog stories? Let us know in the comments!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay