6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Bring Home Your Perfect Dog (Part 1)

6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Bring Home Your Perfect Dog (Part 1)

There are times when dog lovers see photos of dogs looking for homes and suddenly one catches their eye, takes their breath away and they fall in love. This is one way of knowing that you’ve found your perfect dog, but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. For you, that dog is perfect, but are you perfect for that dog too?

While it’s true that all dogs are perfect, humans just aren’t, and there’s only one thing you can do about it – ask yourself a few questions before you bring home your dog. You want to be sure that your perfect dog has a perfect human looking after them. It’s not as simple as going to a shelter, picking up a dog and bringing them home. There’s a lot of thinking to do, remember, you are responsible for that dog’s wellbeing, healthy and happiness. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before you bring home your dog!

1. What is your schedule like?

While all dogs are perfect, not all dogs are the same. So, while a few dogs would be okay to spend some hours home alone, others will become anxious and can start exhibiting destructive behavior. Yes, you can train the dogs, but even training requires a significant amount of time commitment. So if you’re constantly away from home, it’s best to adopt a calm, adult dog instead of a puppy.

2. Do you have other pets or children?

Not all dogs are great with kids and other pets. While some would be great babysitters, they’ll love kids, play with them and other pets, other dogs may feel threatened. So it’s best you find out the temperament of the dog you’d wish to bring home before making the commitment.

3. Do you lead an active lifestyle?

Some dogs are always on the go, even if they came walking from France! My dog is that kind, and I’m not joking about him being on the go all the time. He wouldn’t mind hiking, running, walking, fetching, digging, rough-housing all in the same day. Other dogs are not high-energy so they’ll be happy to just sit on the couch and just relax. Remember to consider your lifestyle and activity level before bringing home a dog!

What other questions would you ask? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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